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 somatic coaching 


 intro:  what is happening here? 

how do i look after myself?

where do i make space for my body?

what do i need to be well? 

do i ask for support when i need others to help me?

how do i hold my body in relationship to the environments around me?

where are my boundaries?

what is my capacity to be present with other people?

what is already holding me?

what is already working?



 methods: where can we go?


 exploring general embodiment/mindfulness 

 how familiar are you with your nervous system? 

 when do you feel safe? 

 and when do you feel activated? 

 what are grounding practices that already hold you? 

 i can show you some of the tools 

 that i know 


 practicalities: what else is good to know? 

 my role in this work is

- to support, empower, accompany + educate you in your process,

in a way that is in line with your intentions

- to help you create a space where you feel safe enough to feel more into your body,

where you can develop your ability to notice and trust what you are feeling

and where you can improve your abilities to communicate what you want and what you are noticing

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